Katharina Zimmerhackl

Watzizizezitsch. Rebisch, zwog.
Über Sprachen und Stimmen

23.7. – 30.8.2020 | D21-Kunstraum
Project team: Ilse Riedinger, Nadja Nitsche, David Voss & Katharina Zimmerhackl

We base social and political participation on the condition of having a voice and of finding a language. But under which (new) societal preconditions do we learn how to speak, do we learn a language? Geographic and social mobility allow and require many types of multilingualism but also the diversification of languages and language.
The internet is a place of simultaneity of all and of all languages. It does not only dissolve the opposition of oral and written communication, of sending and receiving, of language and the world, but also the borders between language and the entity that every language is. Or does the internet simply let us recognize that languages have never been homogenous and always been in contact?
The exhibition examines the dimensions between, before, after and beyond language and voice: Who raises their voice, who listens, who will be heard? Which gaps does language leave open? What can be seen when voice separates from language? What does a voice look like? How do machines listen and what happens when languages meet?

Artists: !Mediengruppe Bitnik, Siri Landgren, Christine Lemke mit Scriptings#47 Man schenkt keinen Hund, Katharina Ludwig, Marie-Andrée Pellerin, Nicoline van Harskamp, Megan Watts Hughes
Fotografie: Michael Moser